Customer Sales

Customer Sales

Stop Selling

Andrew Penny, May 28 2024

LET ME EXPLAIN It’s natural to focus on our well designed, thoughtful sales process. Most sales software has a pipeline management system that reinforces all the things we are supposed to do to move a prospect through the pipeline. Too often, these processes are sales centric and designed around an average situation that may not apply to

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Customer Sales

Two Essential Sales Acceleration Tools

Andrew Penny, May 21 2024

read last week’s Tuesday Tune Up Below, I’ll share 2 things to do today. The main drivers for the 750 number are:

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Customer Sales

The Real Numbers Behind B2B Sales Success

Andrew Penny, May 14 2024

Interactions Total interactions                                       250 So, if you start with 159 leads, you’ll end up with 1 closed deal. And along the way to that single deal, you will have 250 interactions with those 159 firms. PLUS

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Customer Sales

Kano Coffee Shop

Graham Birkenhead, October 24 2023

I spend a lot of time in coffee shops.  I enjoy a good cup of coffee, fresh baking, ambiance, meeting people, and the opportunity to be somewhere different while trying to work.   Many coffee shops meet my needs, but I don't particularly have one that I always go to, I am indifferent to their differences. That was until recently. I found a new...

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Do we have connections in your industry?

Jelena Franco, June 21 2022

We are in the process of running a series of webinars across the Baltic States and Scandinavia; this is part of our Look West program where we assist companies get a foothold or expand in North America. We are often asked if we know anyone in a particular industry. For example, do we know anyone in the marine industry? Have we got any connections w...

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Market Strategy

Will my channel revolt if I introduce a D2C model

Andrew Penny, September 9 2021

“I have an established sales and distribution network. How would I ever be able to set up a direct to Customer sales approach?   Great question. Many industries are locked into old ways of working and will find it hard to transition; the automotive industry is a great example. Manufacturers depend on a huge network of franchised dealers who promote...

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Market Strategy

How to Set up a Direct to Customer Sales Channel

Andrew Penny, September 2 2021

For many new companies, selling direct to the customer is quite natural. However, if you run an established company, you might be asking yourself how difficult will it be to set up a direct to customer model. This is the fourth in a series of articles on D2C. In previous articles we’ve looked at the factors that make D2C possible, the non-cash be...

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