Business Model

Customer Sales

Stop Selling

Andrew Penny, May 28 2024

LET ME EXPLAIN It’s natural to focus on our well designed, thoughtful sales process. Most sales software has a pipeline management system that reinforces all the things we are supposed to do to move a prospect through the pipeline. Too often, these processes are sales centric and designed around an average situation that may not apply to

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Market Strategy

Let's Talk About Competition

Andrew Penny, November 21 2023

No matter who you are or what you are, you have competition. We compete for food, for water, for attention, for mates, for… well just about everything. Businesses are no different – we compete for employees, for customers, for supplies, for financing and so on. Given that competition is as old as the planet, there are accepted ways of competing....

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Leadership & Management

Every Link in a Chain is Critical

Graham Birkenhead, October 31 2023

Small and medium-sized businesses constitute the backbone of the North American economy. They make up a staggering 98% of all businesses and generate approximately 40% of total business revenue. Of those, around 60 to 70% are supplying other businesses (B2B) - as opposed to serving an end customer directly (B2C).  Therefore, most businesses are...

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Customer Sales

Kano Coffee Shop

Graham Birkenhead, October 24 2023

I spend a lot of time in coffee shops.  I enjoy a good cup of coffee, fresh baking, ambiance, meeting people, and the opportunity to be somewhere different while trying to work.   Many coffee shops meet my needs, but I don't particularly have one that I always go to, I am indifferent to their differences. That was until recently. I found a new...

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Market Strategy

Consider the Lobster

Andrew Penny, October 10 2023

Some companies soar to greatness while others plod along, slow and steady; steady that is until the world shifts and they become obsolete… Consider the lobster. The lobster has a tough exoskeleton that protects it from predators. It lets it live a relatively safe and steady life. However, that safety comes with a big downside - it can't grow. As...

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Market Strategy

Making Circles Pay

Graham Birkenhead, September 5 2023

Last week, we talked about the circular economy, which is an alternative approach to the more linear ‘take-make-consume-dispose’ value chain.  We try to minimise the take and dispose elements, and repeat the ‘make’ element through things like reuse, recycle, and repurpose, while extending the ‘consume value’ element.  It creates a more continuous...

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Market Strategy

Wedge Categories

Andrew Penny, August 15 2023

Standing out and capturing attention can be difficult, especially when you're introducing a new product in a market where there are dozens of similar offerings. How do you find the right buyers and how do they find you. The larger the number of buyers, the more competitors you’ll have to face. A great way to solve this problem is to use a Wedge...

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Market Strategy

Breaking the Rules

Andrew Penny, April 25 2023

Listening to a recent ‘Under the Influence’ podcast, I learned some fascinating things about Roger Nielson. Many of you know him as a coach with the NHL’s Ottawa Senators but before that he was breaking the rules in the OHA. And how! Well, actually, not really breaking the rules but playing the game in a way that was so radically different that...

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Market Strategy

The Race is On

Andrew Penny, April 18 2023

Time to drop the clutch There is a great deal of talk about the economy slowing down.  So what? The North American economy is still worth about $28 trillion and Europe’s about $19 trillion.  So even if it’s not accelerating, there are still, collectively, 47 trillion ways to make a buck.  To go faster we must change gears, and that is just what...

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Leadership & Management

Is it too late?

Andrew Penny, March 21 2023

Watch the rain:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ex4jjxn75os The UN said today that “the chance of evading the most severe impacts of burning fossil fuels is almost out of reach, scientists warn, unless radical changes are made—and immediately.” Wow. What are you doing about it? The phrase Planet, People, Profit has never been more

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