There is absolutely no doubt that it won’t be Business as Usual for the next few years. And that could be a good thing! Why? As the late great Montrealer Leonard Cohn famously said: “Forget your perfect offering, There is a crack in everything,That's how the light gets in.”
Read MoreFeedback is a crucial element in engineering and science, ensuring that systems function optimally within known boundaries. Thermostats regulate temperature by adjusting heating output. Vehicle cruise control maintains speed but adapts to other traffic. Biological feedback loops—such as homeostasis and insulin regulation—help the body stay in...
Read MoreDouglas Adams’ Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy starts with very simple advice – “Don’t Panic!” This is great advice anytime but is particularly relevant today. A single individual has been given the controls to much of the world’s economy and, without the dampening effects of consensus thinking, we are in for a rough time. It reminds me a bit...
Read MoreIt's that time of year for the release of the latest version of one of the most insightful annual studies; a study that really helps make sense of what we see happening around the world, and which should be part of any company's PESTLE consideration. Each year, the Edelman Trust Barometer surveys thousands of people across the globe (this year,...
Read More5 Common Practices you should definitely move on from Peter Drucker said: “The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence—it is to act with yesterday’s logic”. Well, we are in a time of turbulence - as per normal - although this quote feels particularly poignant just now. We see so many companies trying to operate today with...
Read MoreIf your inbox is anything like ours, you will already be experiencing the annual deluge of trend predictions and forecasts for 2025 - all very interesting, but it can feel a bit like reading your horoscope. Sure, things are always changing — the economy shifts, technology evolves, new buzzwords emerge — but you can’t grow a business based on...
Read MoreWe are fast approaching the end of the year, and this will be our final Tuesday Tune-up for 2024. And what a year it's been. And as we take a quick look at 2024, this is an indication of the world of challenge and more importantly, opportunity that awaits us for 2025. Over the last year we’ve
Read MoreThe most common model for managing risk is what's known as the Ostrich Approach. This appears to work reasonably well in many situations, and is based on 3 concepts fortuitously working together:
Read MoreEfficiencies: Break your business down in processes and see which ones are taking the most time to create, complete or use. This might include – invoices, proposals, customer email response, sales reporting, market research, document updating, service manuals. Pick one and explore. Here are some tools to consider - depending on what the area...
Read MoreBut then came the curveball. Our club was invited to a 3K open-water swim in the Ottawa River. That’s three kilometres of cold, unpredictable water. No black lines at the bottom, no walls to push off. I’ve never done anything like it. Naturally, I said yes. Why? Because every year, I try to commit to one big, scary
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