
Leadership & Management

The Peril of Weak Values

Graham Birkenhead, April 30 2024

And conversely, the power of strong, lived values A company's values are becoming an increasingly important part of a market's buying decision making - and that market is made of up thousands or millions of individual people. And, in a world where people are losing trust in governments and other traditional guiding institutions (Edelman Trust...

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Leadership & Management

Thriving in a time of Complexity

Graham Birkenhead, March 19 2024

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, complexity seems to be a persistent constant. As business owners and CEOs, the challenge is not just to navigate this complexity but to thrive within it. We humans have been running businesses for a long time (several thousand years), so you'd think we would have a good handle on how to do that....

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Leadership & Management

What has Behavioural Economics ever done for us?

Graham Birkenhead, March 12 2024

As I talk to business owners, I often enquire as to what is high on their list of headache inducing issues - and the 2 that are most commonly mentioned are money and people. And it's been like that for many, many years. The specific details may change, but those 2 categories

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Leadership & Management

Dictum Meum Pactum

Andrew Penny, February 6 2024

The London Stock exchange, founded in 1571, has the motto “dictum meum pactum” on its coat of arms. It shows that members of the exchange are literally bound by what they say – without need of a written contract.  In more modern times we would say, ‘my word is as good as my

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Leadership & Management

Look Differently

Graham Birkenhead, January 30 2024

We've probably all seen starlings.  Brownish birds that hang around in groups, often with quite thuggish behaviour as they swarm a food source to the exclusion of all other birds.  If you look a  little closer, you might notice that when they catch the light, there seems to be some iridescence to their feathers - and if you stand back you...

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Leadership & Management

The watch word for 2024 is UNCERTAINTY

Andrew Penny, December 12 2023

In previous years words like volatility, instability, steady state were often used to describe the  business economy. But this year, the big thinkers are using the word uncertainty which is a polite way of saying they haven’t got a clue. Why is this? We have a rise in the number of powerful dictators, ungoverned by rule of law, which means things...

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Leadership & Management

Are You Thinking Big Enough?

Graham Birkenhead, November 14 2023

One of the first things I ask of an audience when running my Strategic Thinking workshops is "raise your hand if you think you are a strategic thinker".    I am always amazed at how few people raise their hands straight away - probably about a fifth if that, and then a few do the slight raising lowering thing which implies they think they maybe,...

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Leadership & Management

Clean-Green Tech Round Table

Andrew Penny, October 3 2023

Many of our early stage clients are involved in the clean tech sector. Clean and Green Tech can mean many things but essentially it includes all those companies that are working to clean up our planet. Some are carbon-centric firms that are transforming their products and their focus, some are launching new products in this sector and others are...

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Leadership & Management

Advisors vs Coaches

Andrew Penny, August 22 2023

Coaches focus on the people (typically CEOs and executives) to help them improve their leadership skills and address specific management challenges. They can improve personal performance through specific interventions in areas such as time management, presentations skills and interpersonal relationships.  By improving people’s skills, they can...

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Leadership & Management

The Power of Purpose

Graham Birkenhead, August 1 2023

A sense of purpose is a crucial element of the well-being of any individual. Similarly, a sense of purpose can be a crucial aspect of any company’s culture and health. We like to think of a company’s purpose as being something much bigger than the company itself, something the company maybe couldn't achieve alone, something that they would...

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