Market Strategy

Lessons from a Marketing Pioneer

Graham Birkenhead, July 9 2024

Fulford Place George Fulford was a pharmaceutical manufacturer who made his large fortune with "Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People"; these were sold in over 80 countries around the world.  The 'pink pills' were actually, essentially, iron tablets.   And the 'pale people' were those suffering from anaemia of which there were many resulting...

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Why Most New Businesses Fail

Graham, July 2 2024

Toronto’s Collision conference boasted 1,834 exhibitors and 37,832 attendees from 117 countries. Collision is mainly a forum for start-ups and small companies to test their ideas, attract financing, and gain traction. Unfortunately, most of them will fail. And why they fail is a lesson for all of

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Leadership & Management

The Elephant in the Echo Chamber

Graham Birkenhead, June 25 2024

Consider the story of the blind men and the elephant. Each man touches a different part of the elephant and describes it based on his limited experience. One feels the trunk and thinks it’s a snake, another touches the leg and believes it’s a tree, while another feels the side and describes it as a wall, the fourth holds its tail and thinks it's...

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Customer Sales

Stop Selling

Andrew Penny, May 28 2024

LET ME EXPLAIN It’s natural to focus on our well designed, thoughtful sales process. Most sales software has a pipeline management system that reinforces all the things we are supposed to do to move a prospect through the pipeline. Too often, these processes are sales centric and designed around an average situation that may not apply to

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Customer Sales

Two Essential Sales Acceleration Tools

Andrew Penny, May 21 2024

read last week’s Tuesday Tune Up Below, I’ll share 2 things to do today. The main drivers for the 750 number are:

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Customer Sales

The Real Numbers Behind B2B Sales Success

Andrew Penny, May 14 2024

Interactions Total interactions                                       250 So, if you start with 159 leads, you’ll end up with 1 closed deal. And along the way to that single deal, you will have 250 interactions with those 159 firms. PLUS

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Leadership & Management

My Monthly Game Plan

Andrew Penny, May 7 2024

My Monthly Game Plan includes key types of activity that I need to address each month to keep the business moving forward. Some examples of Monthly Game Plan activities could be: At 10AM on the first Monday of each month I put an hour aside for 'Monthly Game Plan-ning'. During this time I review all the important types of activity, and quantity...

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Leadership & Management

The Peril of Weak Values

Graham Birkenhead, April 30 2024

And conversely, the power of strong, lived values A company's values are becoming an increasingly important part of a market's buying decision making - and that market is made of up thousands or millions of individual people. And, in a world where people are losing trust in governments and other traditional guiding institutions (Edelman Trust...

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Market Strategy

How Do You Forecast: Deals or Dollars?

Andrew Penny, April 23 2024

Let me explain.

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Leadership & Management

Thriving in a time of Complexity

Graham Birkenhead, March 19 2024

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, complexity seems to be a persistent constant. As business owners and CEOs, the challenge is not just to navigate this complexity but to thrive within it. We humans have been running businesses for a long time (several thousand years), so you'd think we would have a good handle on how to do that....

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